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In Art and DT lessons at Scholes, we intend to inspire pupils to develop confidence to experiment and invent their own products and works of art, develop their ability of different skills, nurture their talent and express ideas and thoughts about the world. We want children to meet curriuclum expectations trough their creations, experiences and participation in arts and culture. Children will aquire skills throughout DT lessons that include: designing, making, evaluating, using technical knowledge and cooking and nutrition. Their art lessons will consist of generating ideas, sketchbook work, making skills,knowledge of artists and evaluation.


Design technology...

helps our children prepare for adult life in a fast changing world, being able to recognise that things can be changed in order to suit peoples needs and wants - including reusing and recycling materials. Inspiring lessons include practical tasks which will provide children with opportunities to investigate and evaluate current products, offering creative ideas to design and make their own innovative, quality products. Skill-focused strings of lessons will encourage positive attitudes towards DT, we aim to inspire enjoyment, curiosity, independance and co-operation.


gives our children opportunity for their imagination to thrive creatively and be recorded in a variety of different ways. Our vision for art at Scholes is for children to express their ideas in each creative aspect of art, including painting, drawing, printing, sculpture, collage and textiles. Art often will make cross-curricular links with other subjects, creating visual understanding and influence children’s imagination. Observational skills will also be developed, helping children to become better observers to the world around them.


PUPIL VOICE: How do we feel? NEWS: Our visit from local artist Peter Swidrak


I like that we are focusing on one artist and looking at his work. Painting and explosive art has been my favourite so far. Bobby - Class 5

I loved making lava lamps in DT last year, it bubbled and lit up. I senjoyed STEMazing because they were really fun. Olivia - Class 4

Art is fun and calming because you don't have to think. You know what you are doing because you have a picture in your head. I lovewater colours - you can't mess up! Cici - Class 4

I loved sewing, we made puppets last year. Elizabeth - Class 3

For more information about how our children feel in Art + DT, please click below:

Art Pupil Voice Survey - April 2023

DT Pupil Voice Survey - April 2023


 - SHOWCASING OUR WORK - MEET... Chris Webster... Our Art/DT Governor


The children at Scholes are proud to see their work displayed around school, brightening up the walls and showcasing their talent. Our art corridor highlights the quality of our children’s amazing work from local art competitions, artists, workshops and school curriculum enrichment days.




DT books are used to show the process of researching, designing, making and evaluating across key stage two, with whole class floor books used in key stage one.



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