Welcome to the Class 6 homepage where you can find useful information, read about what we will be learning this year and see how you can help at home. If you have any questions or would like to discuss something with us, please write a note in your child's planner or arrange a time with the office to meet Miss Greenwood at a suitable time.
Here's to making some amazing memories!
Class Teacher: Miss L Greenwood
Cover Teacher: Mrs R Walton - Fridays
Support Staff: Mrs L Wilkinson, Mrs I Hargreaves
Reading Our Accelerated Reader programme gives children the opportunity to read from a wide range of books in school that are targeted at their specific reading age. The children will all complete a baseline reading check at the start of the year and will have this reading age written in their planners, which can change depending on how much and how well they read in school and at home. Their reading age will give them a 'zone' from which they can pick their books. Children should generally start at the bottom level of their zone, and work their way up each time they pass a quiz. Feel free to ask any members of staff from Class 6 if you have any questions about the programme and we would be happy to help. Take a look at some of the books on the Year 6 recommended reading list below:
Helping at home We politely ask that you continue to support your child's learning by encouraging them to read as often as possible. As a school, we expect children to read a book of their choice independently or to an adult every day. Your child should bring their chosen book home and then return it to school the next day to ensure they have it for allocated reading time. Aswell as the vast selection of accelerated reader books on offer in school, there are a wide selection of quality texts aimed at the appropriate level for Year 6 children in our classroom and we really encourage that the children try to read as many of them as possible. Despite that, however, if your child would prefer to bring in a book from home they can, as long as it is appropriate in challenge and content. You can support your child in mathematics by making sure your child is competent and as quick as possible with times tables. They need to be recalled rapidly up to 12 x 12. Download the TT Rockstars to help with this and have fun playing on the app!
Spelling Frame TT Rockstars Showbie Accelerated Reader
PE will take place on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Children are to arrive at school in their PE kits. PE kit should consist of plain black shorts, leggins or tracksuit bottoms with elasticated bottoms, a plain white t-shirt and pumps or trainers. Children should also bring a hair bobble in necessary and should be able to remove or cover earings.
Planners should be signed by a parent/carer each weekend and your child should return them to school on Monday mornings to be signed by one of the year six team. We encourage children to use their planners as much as possible for reminders, key dates, extra homework, test and reading quiz scores. It really helps them to develop their independence nd is good preperation for high school. In your child's planner, you will see their weekly spelling list, scores, messages from staff and other important information about your child's learning and behaviour. Please check your child's planner frequently and ensure that they bring it to school with them every day.
Spelling tests will be held every Monday morning and children will recieve their new spellings, for the following week, on the same day. They will recieve 10 spellings a week, 2 of which will be orange words (words they must know by the end of the year). For each set of spellings, your child should either practise with you, independently or use their spelling frame account to practise. Orange words
Year 6 requires a lot of hard work, organisation and a positive attitude - however, we do still plan on having lots of fun, creating life-long memories of your child's final year at Scholes, hopefully raising lots of money for our class enterprise to help us end our year with a bang!