Welcome to Class 5!
Class teacher(s): Mrs J Gallagher & Mrs R Walton (Thursday all day)
Support Staff: Mrs S Grabowski, Mrs Nicholls
Our Accelerated Reader programme gives children the opportunity to read from a wide range of books in school that are targeted at their specific reading age. The children will all complete a baseline reading check at the start of the year and will have this reading age written in their planners, which can change depending on how much and how well they read in school and at home. Their reading age will give them a 'zone' from which they can pick their books. Children should generally start at the bottom level of their zone, and work their way up each time they pass a quiz. Feel free to ask any members of staff from Class 5 if you have any questions about the programme and we would be happy to help. Take a look at some of the books on the Year 5 recommended reading list below:
Please encourage your children to read at home as much as they can! It is important that children take their books home for this, but that they return them to school the next day for afternoon allocated reading time. Make sure you are also signed up for the data to be sent to your email with your child's quiz result as soon as they take one.
We follow our Writing journey in English to plan and write our own pieces. We publish our best work after we've completed our final draft. Our publishing house is called, 'Rainbow Reads'. Please feel free to ask to look at some of our writing in our Rainbow Reads portfolio. Please see the English curriculum page for more information about how we teach writing.
We do Maths every morning in Class 5 and have an arithmetic focus on a Wednesday afternoon. Maths is a fun lesson and all children have the chance to succeed every day. We try very hard to make sure children don’t leave school that day not understanding something. Homework sent home will always support what has been done during the week so if your child is struggling they must come and see an adult on the Monday or Tuesday. If you have any questions about Maths and how we teach certain things then please bob in and see one of us rather than teaching your child a new method.
Our afternoon learning!
PE takes place on Thursday, as well as their weekly swiming lesson on Tuesday morning.
Please ensure chlidren arrive at school in their PE kit every Thursday and on Tuesdays, with their swimming shorts/costume underneath - this will maximise the amount of time children spend in the swimming pool. We will be leaving immediately once the register is taken - therefore, please take extra care to ensure that children arrive promptly. Our PE uniform consists of plain black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms with elasticated bottoms; a plain white t-shirt; and pumps or trainers. If children are cold, they can wear their school jumper over the top of their PE uniform.
Other Information
Water bottles, bags, reading books and planners must be in school everyday - children must be mindful not to share these items with anyone else as items can get lost.
Use of planners in Y5/6:
We need planners to be signed by a parent / carer every weekend ready for Monday morning, when we will sign them too. If you have any concerns or quick questions, feel free to jot them down in planners and we can quickly get back to you. Likewise, we will use the planner to communicate things that have happened in school with you at home. If planners are not signed, children will be given one day (Monday night) to get these signed. If not, children miss their playtime(s) until it is signed. This is an important part of us trying to prepare children for secondary school, where planners continue to be an essential tool for school/home communication.
Staying up-to-date and helping at home
Year 5 will present the children with new challenges in their learning, as the curriculum gets inevitably trickier. Any help at home goes a long way! The best way to stay up-to-date with your child's learning is to connect to their Showbie page. Here, you can look at knowledge organisers, stay up to date with whole-school information such as newsletters, and view aspects of your child's learning across the curriculum. To do this, you must use your child code to link up with any children you have in school. Please refer to support documents sent out or contact the office if you're unsure about how to do this.
Supporting Spellings...
Children receive 12 spellings a week, which they must practice to spell at home. They also practice these in school throughout the week. On Mondays, children must achieve 6/12 to pass their spelling test. Where children do not acheive 6/12, they will attend a spelling group during Monday lunchtime.
Supporting Times tables...
Make sure your child is competent and as quick as possible with times tables. They need to be recalled rapidly up to 12 x 12. Download the TT Rockstars app to help with this. Ask them about things they have been learning about. The first half term we will be spending time looking at the place value of each digit in numbers and how bigger numbers are actually made up.
Supporting Reading...
The most important thing you can do to support English is to read with your child and ask about what they are reading. Good writers are usually good readers so the reading has to come first. They can read to you and you can read to them. Nothing is cheating so long as books are being shared! If your child is still struggling, make a note in their planner and arrange to see Mr Meakin.
As ever, if you have any problems or concerns, please come and see a member of the Class 5 team at the earliest possible opportunity. If you need to speak to us for a longer chat, please arrange a time after school as mornings can be a little hectic!