The governors support the school in expecting all children to wear uniform. We encourage Nursery children to wear a school sweatshirt, but most importantly please send Nursery children in clothes and footwear suitable for outdoor and ‘messy’ play.
Logo uniform can be purchased from Sports FX in Cleckheaton: Sports FX - For Sports & School Uniform. Non-logo items can be purchased from supermarkets and other clothes shops.
All items of clothing must be clearly named. With over 200 identical sweatshirts it is almost impossible to return unnamed items to the correct owner.
Blue crew neck sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo for all pupils up to and including Year 4
Blue or white polo shirt with or without the school logo for all pupils up to and including Year 4
Blue v neck sweatshirt or cardigan with or without school logo for Years 5 and 6
White shirt with stiff collar for Years 5 and 6
School tie for Years 5 and 6
Grey or black trousers, (modest / suitable) skirts or shorts – NO BLACK JEANS OR LEGGINGS
Black shoes
No jewellery (except stud earrings which must be removed for PE and swimming) should be worn.
No unusual hair colour or hair style (eg. shaved shapes in hair). Long hair should be tied up.
For PE
All pupils are required to wear a plain white T shirt with plain black shorts, leggings or elasticated tracksuit bottoms and suitable trainers. For outdoor PE lessons the normal school jumper/cardigan may be worn. Please remove earrings (or place a plaster over them) and tie hair back on PE days.
Second hand uniform
School has a stock of second hand school logo jumpers, cardigans and polo shirts, which is free to anyone. Please email business.manager@scholesprimary,co.uk if you would like to request anything.
If you have any outgrown uniform to recycle or would like to request additional free school uniform please visit the website of Uniform Exchange: