Stronger Together Partnership
Birkenshaw CE (C) Primary School | High Bank J, I & N School | Scholes Village Primary School | Whitechapel C of E Primary School | Hartshead J & I School |
Welcome to the Stronger Together Partnership.
We are a partnership of like-minded primary schools working together to act as a genuine force for the improvement of our schools. Through honest discussion and debate, we have realised a mutual philosophy in improving outcomes for our children, their families and our communities.
Our schools have compatible strengths and we are committed to working with each other as a combined unit to strengthen school performance and meet future challenges. Our aim is to identify areas on which we can collaborate to help improve learning, achievement and outcomes in our schools. We organise joint training sessions (eg October 2022 Dr Emma Kell delivered training for all our staff on staff wellbeing, in February 2023 the latest research on working memory was delivered by the Bradford Research School, in October 2023 Cambridge University delivered Oracy training). In addition, STP subject leaders meet regularly to share practice and joint moderation sessions are also organised with the LA lead moderators being invited to Year 2 and Year 6 moderation meetings.
We have established key areas of work for 2024 – 2025:
1. Oracy
2. Strengthening Subject Leadership
3. Assessment in all subjects & joint moderation