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Class Teachers: Mrs S Akhtar

Cover Teacher: Mrs M Barratt (Thursday all day)

Support Staff: Mrs E Garnham and Mrs Cockerell

Our Timetable





This year we will be reading a variety of books and extracts as a whole class and children will be able to take books home, from which they can do accelerated quizzes in school and at home - link is on the homepage! We encourage as much reading at home as possible! Look below for some suggested reads for our age group. 



We follow our Writing journey in English to plan and write our own pieces. We publish our best work after we've completed our final draft. Our publishing house is called, 'Teapot Tales'. Please feel free to ask to look at some of our writing in our Teapot Tales portfolio. Please see the English curriculum page for more information about how we teach writing.


Class 4 do an hour of maths every morning, practising our arithmetic, reasoning and problem solving throughout every objective. We will have a huge focus on learning our times tables this year, specifically using TT Rockstars to help us. This is easy to join in with at home and will help us to prepare for our important times table test which will occur towards the end of the year. https://ttrockstars.com/


Afternoons in class 4


PE takes place on Mondays and Fridays.

Please ensure chlidren arrive at school in their PE kit every Monday and Friday.  Our PE uniform consists of plain black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms with elasticated bottoms; a plain white t-shirt; and pumps or trainers. If children are cold, they can wear their school jumper over the top of their PE uniform.


Supporting Spellings...

Children receive 10 spellings a week, which they must practice to spell at home. They also practice these in school throughout the week. On Mondays, children must achieve 6/10 to pass their spelling test. Where children do not acheive 6/10, they will attend a spelling group during Monday lunchtime.

Supporting Times tables...

Make sure your child is competent and as quick as possible with times tables. They need to be recalled rapidly up to 12 x 12. Download the TT Rockstars app to help with this. Ask them about things they have been learning about. The first half term we will be spending time looking at the place value of each digit in numbers and how bigger numbers are actually made up.

Supporting Reading...

The most important thing you can do to support English is to read with your child and ask about what they are reading. Good writers are usually good readers so the reading has to come first. They can read to you and you can read to them. Nothing is cheating so long as books are being shared! If your child is still struggling arrange to see Mrs Akhtar. I will be checking accelerated reader on Fridays. 


General Reminders

Water bottles and reading books must be in school every day.

Please check ClassDojo regularly as messages will be put on there about Class 4. 

If you have any concerns or questions, please come to the door before or after school and speak to one of our class staff members. If required, don't hesitate to make an appointment with us one day after school or contact the office. 


We are going to have a fantastic year in Class 4!

Mrs Akhtar


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