Staff in Class 3
Class Teachers: Mrs Hartley (Mon, Tues, Thurs afternoon and Fri)
Mrs Walton (Wed and Thu morning)
Support Staff: Miss Zyla and Mrs Riley
Things to bring to school:
- PE days will be every Wednesday and Thursday. Please ensure that children come to school wearing their PE kit on these days.
- Each day, your child will read in school for 15 minutes. We will also aim for your child to read to an adult at least once a week. Please ensure that books and reading records come into school daily. Your child's reading records contain their passwords for Spelling Frame, NUMBOTS and TT Rockstars inside the back cover.

- Home Learning
- Spelling tests will be held every Monday morning and the children will receive their new spellings for the next week on the same day. Children are expected to practise their spellings at home, whether that be via Spelling Frame or using other methods that work best for you and your child. Your child will receive ten spellings each week, seven of which will follow a particular spelling pattern/rule, the other 3 words will be from either the Year 3/4 statutory list or high frequency words.
- Reading
- As per our school’s homework policy, your child is expected to read daily at home. Although it is common for children in Year 3 to be able to read with more independence, we do ask that you still make time to listen to your child read each week and record this within their reading record. Children who are reading books from the Accelerated Reader selection will be able to quiz in school or at home via this link:
- Welcome (renaissance-go.com)
TT Rockstars
- TT Rock stars was introduced to the class during the Autumn term and we now ask children to complete their TT Rockstars homework each week for every Tuesday morning. The new TT Rockstars homework is set on a Tuesday afternoon to be completed for the following Tuesday morning. Children who do not manage to complete their weekly 25 minutes will receive help at Homework Club.
- Take a look at some of the book on the Year 3 recommended reading list below:

We hope that you find the above information useful, however if you do have any questions please do ask. If you need discuss something in further detail please do not hesitate to come and speak to one of the Year 3 team.
Thank you,
Mrs Hartley, Mrs Walton, Miss Zyla and Mrs Riley.